FS News
October 13, 2008
Added !cd command for directory navigation. Search result listing now shows result count first. Added !cancel and !stop to cancel the result listing. Posted build 8.
May 9, 2008
Changed the path name slashes so that FS is now compatible with Linux. Cleaned up some small bugs. Posted build 7.
April 12, 2008
Updated the project's page to the new layout.
June 18, 2007
Posted build 6. Several bug fixes and improvements. Added user !help command and !cat to list categories. Search results show file sizes. Regular expression searching implemented. Now saves configuration. Linux portability needs tested. Performance and reliability need tested for multiple simultaneous user requests. Reply timers need used to prevent a user from being able to cause the server to get kicked for spamming.
June 7, 2007
Doing some research about why /fsstart'ing after having /fsstop'ed gave an error, I realized I had made some incorrect assumptions about how the Python threads worked. Apparently they have some funky rules. So I made a wrapper for the thread class to handle the weird stuff. I kind hurried and fixed that part, so beware of last minute mistakes. If there is any I'll post another build tomorrow. I did get proper handling of a user searching while already being sent results from a previous search working. And now starting and stopping the server repeatedly, without reloading the plug in, works. I still need to put a user command to list the categories to make category based searching practical. Apparently Python handles zombie threads, but with this new way I'm doing it there is sure to be none. This depreciates the value of having cached searches, but doesn't rule it out of being a really nice feature to add eventually.
June 7, 2007
Explicitly include/excluded category(s) are implemented in the !search command. There currently is no means for a user to list the categories. The double lock mechanism added to the TShares and TLister classes need double checked. Cached searches would be nice. The current lister mechanism needs some optimization, using a cached search list. The zombie threads need cleaned up after listing search results. A !stop command to stop a currently active listing needs implemented. Also, Listers need to handle a second search before the first on is done listing. A config file saving some options, mainly a banned user list, would be nice too. Then implementing importing/exporting the user list. Also some logging, but I'm getting ahead of myself here.
June 5, 2007
I'm calling this a fresh beta stage. It could use some more help feedback to the remote users, and there currently is no saving of cofiguration or banned user list. Searching, getting, and maintaining of a shared file list seem to work. The shared file list is maintained in a categorized list, although the search command processing for explicit categories is not finished. The categories correspond to the top level directories in the home directory. That will be the 'complex' search format. The 'simple' search format making use of common command line wild card expression is working. The 'complex', adding regular expressions and explicit categories, will have a syntax something like:
!search [+r] [(+/-)c CategoryA [,CategoryB...] Search_Expression
May 21, 2007
This is still in a fresh alpha stage. Currently it will list (with wild card expressions) the files in the directory set as 'home'. It will then allow them to be DCC sent. The searching of files currently displays the full path, and doesn't traverse directories. Some sort of use of diretories as catagories, and directory traversal, allong with regular expression support would be nice.