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SoCo IRC News

April 12, 2011

Released beta build 2 with binary installer and source file packages. SoCo IRC has been progressing steadily and it's core functionality is almost complete.

November 23, 2010

No binary or source released, but the current source code repository is hosted on Gitorious. I have started adding support for Team Speak 3 SDK (SoCo IRC was just a temporary name anyways). I'm not sure if I've lost interest in TS or not, but lately I've moved back to focusing on IRC functionality. Having both TS and IRC client bases created will allow me to make adjustments for a more flexible and scalable system. The chat text is custom drawn and has some scrolling and size adjustment issues still. TS3 logs in and provides no other functionality; it is not in a usable state. I most recently have been progressing on the IRC channel favorites/channel searching dialog's functionality.

July 27, 2010

Replaced beta 0.1 binary download with one compiled against Qt 4.6.3 with minGW 4.4. Added an installer download for beta 0.1, which includes all needed libraries and your standard installer experience, including an uninstaller.

July 23, 2010

Posted version 0.1 beta Windows binary and source snapshots.

June 19, 2010

Created project page with link to Gitorious repository.