XLibrary News
July 28, 2009
I've made some further progress and testing of the DirectX encapsulation modules, adding DirectSound to the collection. I've released a test application source for testing the basic functionality of the DirectX modules. For a change, I made this in Visual Studio 2003 C++. It includes an over-sized image to test the DirectDraw module, and assumes that C:\WINDOWS\Media\tada.wav exists for the DirectSound test.
I assume I will put further work into these modules requiring an updated test module, which I will plan out better. The Mouse DirectInput interface doesn't work. I get the infamous invalid parameters error when calling InputDevice->SetDataFormat(&c_dfDIMouse). I used to get this with DirectX 7 long ago. The fix then was to use c_dfDIMouse2. Neither work now, using DirectX 8. I assume I must define the
format structure over.
July 23, 2009
The main classes, such as file, networking, and lists have been maturing with use. The Yahoo source has been released. Many of these classes are used in the yahClient project. Unfortunately they only implement YMSG version 15 and the captcha classes use an old URL for the captcha that Yahoo has moved.
I've started on some DirectX classes. They encapsulate the Microsoft DirectX API. I'm not sure if I will worry about Direct3D. I don't want to remake an API interface. My intentions are to collect some API usage into easier to use object oriented classes while hiding some of the tedious
May 8, 2009
A release candidate for the version 2 XLibrary core modules are released. These are a ground up rewrite that addresses the short comings of the first version. This release is much cleaner, more maintainable, and uses much more proper coding techniques. All modules use C style strings and are more independent.
The very important list modules, XList and XLinkList, are redone in a elegant and easy to use way. Most of the modules have already had many months of testing while supporting developing projects. The two exceptions start with XFile. XFile has not had any testing, but is simple and based on proven
code; still bugs are likely. The second exception is XThread which has been avoided in developing projects leaving the module not even finished. It is provided as a reference or starting point if a Windows threading module is needed. These modules currently have only been tested in Windows applications.
Aside from XSocket and the unfinished XThread, all the modules should be cross-platform. The Yahoo protocol modules are under development and still a moving target; thus, they aren't included in this release.
December 2, 2008
A complete rewrite is underway. This project's focus has changed a little bit. Version 2.0 moving away from cross unit dependency. I'd like each unit to be as independent as logically possible. I'd like to drop XString and move to all local C style string manipulation. Once the new Windows units are back to a good state of development I'd like to start on Linux compatibility.
September 14, 2008
Posted the initial version 1.1 under the SSOL version 1.1 license. Both the library and the license are a work in progress.